A bulldog named Freya gave birth to seven puppies. Her caregivers were delighted with how the delivery went. However, as it turned out, that wasn’t the end of the big emotions. They were left speechless as they carefully examined all the newborn animals. One of them was completely different from the dogs they had seen all their lives.
The time has come, which presented a great challenge
Audra and Trevor own a bulldog named Freya. The dog was pregnant. The moment of giving birth was an immense experience not only for the mother-to-be, but also for her caregivers.
Bulldogs are very gentle. The couple feared that the dog would have difficulty giving birth on her own. Fortunately, their fears proved unnecessary. Freya gave birth to seven healthy puppies without any complications. All babies were active and immediately began looking for pacifiers.

They were speechless when they saw one of the puppies
Audra and Trevor constantly watched Freya and her puppies. After a while, the couple began to wipe and look at the newborn puppies. When they took one of them in their arms, they were speechless. One of the bulldogs looked completely different from any they had ever seen before.
The puppy had green fur. The couple was very concerned about the dog’s unusual coloring. They feared it could be a symptom of a serious genetic disease or other developmental disorder. So they did everything they could to find out why one of their dogs was green.

They already know why the puppy is green
It turned out that all the worries were in vain. After consulting with specialists, bulldog owners learned that sometimes light-colored dogs are born greenish. Experts think it could be linked to the green bile pigment that colors the dog’s fur while it’s still in its mother’s womb.
Additionally, this condition does not last long. Over time, the greenish color disappears and the puppy’s coat turns white. Audra and Trevor decided to share this story on social media. It turned out that very few people knew that a dog could be born green.
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