Often people think that celebrities have a life full of luxury and far from the problems that we usually face every day, and although it is true that they have an incomparable amount of money and certain advantages, this does not mean that they are free of pain and sadness as is the case of seeing a loved one leave.
Paris Hilton, the famous businesswoman, model and reality TV star has always been recognized for her comfortable life surrounded by her small dogs, mainly chihuahuas. However, Hilton reported the death of one of them.
This is Harajuku Bitch, a dog who has accompanied her owner for a long time since her most famous time in the 2000s, and with whom she has shared many good moments on television and elsewhere.
As Hilton herself reported, she lost her life at the age of 23!
The famous businesswoman took to her Instagram account to announce the news to her loyal followers, where she shared sweet photographs of the chihuahua.
“Today, my heart breaks when I say goodbye to my beautiful chihuahua, Harajuku Bitch. For 23 incredible years, she filled my life with so much love, loyalty and unforgettable moments. She lived a long, beautiful and iconic life, surrounded by love until her last peaceful sleep, ” she wrote on the social network.
And like many people who have a puppy as a life companion, for Hilton, Harajuku was more than a pet, it was someone unconditional with whom she could count and whom she loved as a friend or family member.
“Words can’t express the immense pain that I feel in this moment. It was more than a pet; she was my family, a loyal friend who was always at my side at every turn that life gave me. The glitz and glamour to the calm moments in the scenes, she was still there, a small ball of love, illuminating even the darkest of days. We shared so many memories, of laughter and of tears, ” she said in the post.
Harajuku was lucky enough to fall into the hands of Hilton. Thanks to her love, she was able to live tender, funny and unique moments with her and the other dogs of the clan. She even had a mini-mansion like hers made for each of them, according to Today.
Harajuku literally lived like a queen with the rest of the dogs.
And the departure from Harajuku adds to the other sad news that affected the entrepreneur, since in the fall of 2022 her little dog named Diamond Baby disappeared while she was moving but she still hasn’t lost hope of getting him back.
Although it is inevitable that sadness will dominate her at this moment, she remembers me with great love and gratitude for all the happiness she has brought her, assuring that she will never be forgotten.
“Rest in peace, my sweet beloved. Thank you for blessing my life with your unconditional love. You will always be my little angel, forever missed and forever loved. You may be gone physically, but the brand of your footprints in my life will never fade. Rest peacefully, sweet friend, knowing that you’ll always be loved and that you will be missed. I love you and I miss you forever, ” she said on Instagram.
Hilton quickly received the support and affection of her subscribers, users and some public figures. Without a doubt, Harajuku’s legacy is one of the most beautiful.
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