This Puppy Always Bonds With The Fluffiest Dogs At Daycare So He Can Use Them As A Pillow

puppy friend fluffy dogs daycare pillow

This sweet dog named ‘Edna’ has been going to daycare since she was little and she always tends to act the same way with other dogs around her. He first plays with them and after about four hours he decides to take a nap on the ones he thinks are the fluffiest.

Edna chooses the perfect sleeping dog, and most of them don’t seem to care, in fact, they enjoy her company.

According to Brianna Gottfried, one of Edna’s family members, the dog is not interested in her size, but in her softness and gentleness.

The dog befriends the fluffiest dogs

puppy friend fluffy dogs daycare pillow
puppy friend fluffy dogs daycare pillow

This behavior could be mostly puppy related, but even though she’s older now, Edna refuses to stop snuggling up to other dogs for her nap.

puppy friend fluffy dogs daycare pillow

At the end of the day, Edna is so comfortable that it takes a little effort to wake up and go home.

puppy friend fluffy dogs daycare pillow

Brianna told The Dodo:

“When it’s time to go home, I always have to get her off another dog.”

puppy friend fluffy dogs daycare pillow

As you might expect, this dog likes to play a lot, but especially sleeps, and has made those who know her crack with her habit of snuggling up to the softest dogs.

puppy friend fluffy dogs daycare pillow

She has also been shown to be very friendly, sweet, and quite shrewd when it comes to choosing her friends.

Images: Brianna Gottfried

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