Rescuers Used Dummy To Calm Blind Dog’s Anxiety: ‘as Long As He’s Comfortable And Happy’

rescuers used dummy calm blind dog anxiety

When 10-year-old Bill was at Vintage Pet Rescue, he needed to be taken care of all the time because he didn’t like being alone. Since Kristen and Marc Peralta couldn’t be with him all the time, they put him on the dummy for support, and he was a big help until he was adopted.

Parting with pets is not easy, and even though we love them and want to be with them every second, there will always be things to do like work, studies and others where we cannot take them. .

When Vintage Pet Rescue founders Kristen and Marc Peralta realized they had to find a way to keep comfortable Bill, a 10-year-old blind dog who demanded to be held all the time, they remembered that they had a life-size human dummy.

They looked at it, tried it to see if it would calm Bill down, and it turned out to be the solution.

Rescuers find the perfect solution for a dog that demands to be held all the time

rescuers used dummy calm blind dog anxiety

Animal shelter life can be adorable, but at the same time, it’s loaded with responsibilities. With so many dogs, there’s always homework to do, so it’s impossible to dedicate time to just one, which is why the model was such a big help for Kristen, Marc and Bill.

Bill is an old dog who suffers from anxiety and doesn’t like to be alone, so he needs frequent contact and affection.

rescuers used dummy calm blind dog anxiety

Since it’s impossible to be with him every second, the function of the dummy called FARC is to keep him calm and safe when his guardians are busy.

โ€œObviously we would like to be able to hold Bill all day, but there is always so much to do here at the shelter. As long as he’s comfortable and happy, that’s all that matters,” Kristen told The Dodo.

rescuers used dummy calm blind dog anxiety

This idea was born when Kristen and Marc had an old pug named Shorty, who felt sad every time his owner left. It was then that Joanne McManus, Kristen’s mother, had the idea of โ€‹โ€‹putting one of Marc’s shirts on a life-size mannequin to take his place and accompany the dog in his absence.

โ€œAt first we thought it would be a fun photoshoot. But it really worked, and the dogs loved it!” Kristen told the media. They’ve since used it with older dogs and those with separation anxiety.

rescuers used dummy calm blind dog anxiety

“It’s really amazing how dogs react,” Kristen told The Dodo. The FARC kept Bill company whenever he needed it, until he was adopted by a happy family. He went from knowing the “support” the model gave him, to knowing what it’s like to receive love directly.

Images: Facebook / Vintage Pet Rescue

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