How do you know if a cat is depressed?

How do you know if a cat is depressed

Depression is a mental disorder that occurs under the influence of irritating factors. Amazingly, not only people but also pets are affected by this condition. However, a person is able to determine that something is wrong with him and consult a doctor. Quadrupeds, on the other hand, cannot do this, so owners need to know what symptoms are characteristic of depression in pets in order to deal with them in time.

What can cause depression in a cat?

A depressive state does not happen by chance – there is always a reason for it. Cats are creatures that value stability, so any change in their usual lifestyle can cause depression. As a result, pets have reduced immunity, which is the cause of other, more dangerous pathologies.

If you suspect his pet, think about what could be the determining factor?

Cats can experience anxiety when left alone

We’re used to thinking of cats as independent creatures that don’t really need human attention. In fact, this opinion is not true, because soft toys can hardly stand time alone.

Lack of attention is another reason

If the animal feels that the owner does not devote enough time to it, then it may become depressed. It is important to give him daily attention – petting, playing, talking.

Cats find it difficult to live in a shelter

Often, for some reason, four-legged animals end up in a shelter: some end up there after life on the streets, others because one day they were no longer needed. Despite the fact that the staff and volunteers of the shelters try to make the lives of their wards as comfortable as possible, living there leaves a certain imprint on the psyche of cats and cats.

If the animal is lucky and finds himself in the family, then the change of lifestyle should not be expected to be easy for him – the quadruped will need some time to s ‘adapt. It is important to help your pet during this difficult time, otherwise depression may catch up with him.

The arrival of a new family member

Any change in lifestyle can also cause depression in a cat. For example, the appearance of a baby or other pet in the house. The animal begins to experience a lack of attention and feels depressed.


Cats are small predators, so by nature they have hunting instincts. If the quadruped does not have access to the street or is deprived of it, then the inability to catch prey will be a real tragedy for him. To satisfy your instinct, try to play with your cat as often as possible.

Depression due to moving

A change of residence can also trigger depression. Are you planning a move? Visit a new apartment with a cat several times before moving in – the animal must get used to it.

Medication-induced depression

Some experts believe that any treatment, including surgery or medication, can affect a cat’s nervous system and cause it to become depressed.

How to suspect depression in a cat?

Fortunately, depression is often characterized by changes in the cat’s behavior, which gives the owner the opportunity to recognize in time that the animal is in an anxious state.

The following symptoms indicate depression:

  • Lethargy, apathy;
  • Long sleep;
  • Attempts to hide in a dark place;
  • Vocalizations without cause;
  • Refusal of food and water;
  • Ignore the tray;
  • Sudden attacks of aggression;
  • Reluctance to take care of yourself;
  • The appearance of wounds on the skin and bald spots on the coat as a result of frequent and intense combing.


Important! Symptoms of depression are similar to those of other illnesses, so only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis.

If you notice symptoms of depression in your cat, consult a veterinarian. Based on the results of the examination and after interviewing the owner, the veterinarian will be able to determine the cause and give the necessary recommendations.

How to treat depression in a cat?

Depression diagnosed early responds well to treatment. Most likely, you will be offered to contact a narrow specialist – a zoopsychologist. By following its recommendations, you will help your pet overcome its anxiety.

The main task is to find the cause of depression. And zoopsychologists do an excellent job in this regard, because their main task is to establish a harmonious relationship between the animal and its owner. Once the stressor has been established, you will have to try to eliminate it. In addition, the specialist will advise you on other methods of therapy, for example, playing and communicating with your pet more often.

If the recommendations of the zoopsychologist did not help, and the depressive state does not go away, the cat or the cat may need to take appropriate medications. It is important to follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.


Of course, depression is treatable, but it is better not to bring it at all. Good prevention will help.

Our recommendations:

  1. Spend more time with your pet: play, talk, pet it.
  2. Try to protect her from stress.
  3. Make sure your daily diet is balanced. It is better to choose holistic, super premium and premium ready-made food for a cat.
  4. Give him treats from time to time.
  5. Be aware of your routine immunization schedule.
  6. Once a year, have a full examination at the veterinary clinic.


  1. Depression is a dangerous disease that pets are subject to just as often as humans.
  2. Loneliness, taking medication, moving house, sudden changes in the house, etc. can act as provoking factors.
  3. If you notice signs of depression in your cat, contact your veterinarian.


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