A Man Installs A Hidden Camera To See What His Cat Does While He Sleeps

man hidden camera cat

Young checks a hidden camera and discovers her kitten’s peculiar behavior at night. It’s very cute and funny.

Lomphonten Lomphontan is a young Thai man who loves spending time with his tabby kitten named Achi. One day, Lomponten was curious about what Achi was doing in his sleep, so he decided to install a hidden camera.

It was amazing for him to see that Achi had the most epic cuddling sessions; he is so cuddly. The camera is still in the house when the boy goes to work to monitor what Achi is doing, but it never occurred to him to check what was recorded at night.

In the footage, you can see Lomponten sound asleep and Achi in action taking the opportunity to be by his side.

A man installs a camera and finds out what his cat is doing while he sleeps

Achi and Lomphonten

The feline climbs on his chest and with his little paw confirms if he is sleeping, then drops his body directly on the face of the young man.

Cat stays on top of his father while he sleeps

Lomponten hadn’t realized what was happening until he saw the footage, his choking dreams suddenly making sense.

Achi gets closer to his father's face while he sleeps

Lomponten told The Dodo:

I sat and watched [the video] one night. It was very funny. I feel very in love with him because he loves me like that.

Cat rests on the face of his human's father

This boy has no intention of doing anything to curb his kitty’s affectionate behavior, knowing now that his desire is to be as close as possible to the person he loves the most in the world.

cat sleeps on top of his father

Lophonten said:

It’s a show of love.

cat named Achi

The footage was shared on Twitter and people’s reactions were immediate.

cat and his human father

They’re all dead cute and it’s pretty funny too.

Images: Lomphonten Lomphontan


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