A Group Of Service Dogs Had To Watch A Live Musical As Part Of Their Training, And The Photo Goes Viral

service dogs watch live musical training

These more educated dogs are found in Ontario, Canada, where a training center helps them become better pets; the story went viral on Facebook due to pictures taken of them during their “final exam”.

K-9 Country Inn Working Service Dogs is a full-service training center based in Ontario, Canada. At this training center, employees train service dogs to meet the individual needs of their handlers through its unique curriculum. In today’s story, photos taken of these dogs on the Facebook social network have gone viral.

Dogs watch musical and photos go viral

service dogs watch live musical training

The initial stages of the program include repetitive obedience and socialization training. The dog then moves on to the final stage, where it demonstrates its obedience.

When they leave the training center, the dogs are polite, outgoing, confident and friendly with people, children and other animals. K-9 Country Inn trains service dogs extensively as they are expected to assist their owners in their daily activities. Additionally, dogs must have the skills to save their owner’s life if necessary.

service dogs watch live musical training

As part of their two-year program, K-9 Country Inn’s future service dogs are given a special mission: to see Billy Elliot the Musical at the Stratford Festival. This exercise apparently prepares service dogs to accompany their handlers anywhere. Inside the 1,800-seat theater, the dogs quietly watch the whole show among other patrons.

Theater etiquette requires them to remain seated and still, a task that can be difficult for curious dogs. Service dogs must sit at their handler’s feet while enjoying the show. However, some of the dogs peeked during the performance. Fortunately, they were filmed.

service dogs watch live musical training

According to the head trainer, the dogs did a great job and were able to follow the show with their best behavior. Either way, these wholesome photos will make you laugh because these dogs are so cute.

Images: Facebook / Elizabeth Coperman

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